Being a part of a milestone moment like a proposal will never stop feeling special to me.
So it was an honor to capture this recent surprise proposal (just a few days before Maine got hit with yet another crazy snow/rain storm no less!). It was a lot of fun to help the groom-to-be plan the proposal. His partner and their children were under the assumption that he had planned some family photos. After several rounds of said family photos, photos of the kids, couples, etc. he pulled out the ring and proposed. She was so surprised and sincerely emotional that I found myself feeling very moved by her response. It was hard to not feel the love, excitement, and gratitude that she felt at that very moment. She really savored the moment which I think was a good reminder to all of us. Their kids could not believe it either and as you look through the photos below, take note of their genuine enthusiasm and shock over what they got to witness. The groom-to-be also invited her parents to witness this proposal, they hid off in the background and appeared after the special moment. All in all this was an incredibly memorable evening and I am so grateful that I got to be a part of it.

If you are looking for a proposal, engagement, or wedding photographer - please get in touch! I would love to help capture your memorable moments! Please fill in your contact information. I will get back to you within 24 hours. If you don't hear from me right away, please check your spam folder. I look forward to speaking with you more about this!